There are lots of friendly faces on our playground at lunchtimes. Mid-day Supervisors are out on the playground and in the hall.
We are a “Rights Respecting” school, which is an ethos for positive relationships and behaviour. We expect positive behaviour at lunchtimes as much as in the classroom.
We use the field and the playground for games. The children have a rota for football and there are plenty of balls to share for basketball and other games.
Play Leaders
Play Leaders are Year 6 children that encourage children to play. We have many games and tabletop toys, including the parachute, skipping ropes, blowing bubbles and bouncy hoppers to choose from. They also play circle games and clapping games.
Peer Mediators
See how Peer Mediation works at West Rise.
The Peer Mediators are also Year 6 children. They have training in restorative justice to sort out problems on the playground. There is strong evidence that most children prefer to talk to other children about their friendship problems. The mediators help the children work through their issue and support them in solving it. The mediators also help children find friends to play with during lunchtimes.
Both the Play Leaders and Peer Mediators work on a rota basis